NATO defense ministers two-day meeting on Afghanistan

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ISTANBUL, Turkey — Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Adm.James Stavridis, and Afghan Minister of Interior, Mohammad Hanif Atmar, chat during a NATO defense ministers two-day meeting on Afghanistan here, Feb. 5, 2010. (NATO photo)

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Adm. James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, chat during a NATO defense ministers two-day meeting on Afghanistan here, Feb. 5, 2010. (NATO photo)

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ISTANBUL, Turkey — During a NATO defence ministers two-day meeting on Afghanistan, a host of military leaders said the situation in Afghanistan is improving after a difficult year, but allies must deploy more army and police instructors to help Afghan government forces assume responsibility for security.

ISAF will expand the Afghan army to 134,000 troops in October 2010 and 171,600 by October 2011, while the police numbers would expand from 90,000 to 109,000 in October, and 134,000 the following October.

A couple thousand additional instructors are needed for the police and army, while up to 2,500 additional mentors are required to work alongside the national security forces deployed across the country. The call for additional trainers comes as thousands of Afghan and NATO troops prepare a major offensive in the hub of the insurgency in southern Afghanistan.

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