For Parents

Service Options

The decision to join the Army is one of the most important choices your son or daughter will make. But what kind of service will he or she benefit from the most? There are several options.

Learn about Service Options


From Basic Combat Training to high-tech job training, the Army gives your young adult the education and skills needed to build a successful career and become a stronger individual.

Learn about Training

Job Opportunities

The Army gives your son or daughter the opportunity to use his or her training in a job environment that encourages career development and personal growth.

Learn about Job Opportunities

Money for College and Other Benefits

The benefits of joining the Army include job skills, money for college, help with job placement and more.

Learn about Money for College and Other Benefits


Why is Army ROTC a good option for a college student? In short, Army ROTC teaches leadership. Successful Cadets go on to become leaders in the military and civilian worlds. And Army ROTC can help pay for college with scholarships and living allowances.

Learn about ROTC

Personal Growth

By becoming a Soldier, your son or daughter can realize his or her potential and develop into a true leader. A leader with the discipline and strength to achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Learn about Personal Growth


It’s a reality many Soldiers face — and one many families deal with at home. But deployment doesn’t necessarily mean your son or daughter will be in a combat situation.

Learn about Deployment

Daily Life

What will life be like for your young Soldier? When training is done for the day, a lot more like home than you’d expect.

Learn about Daily Life

Keeping in Touch

We realize how important family is to you. It’s important to us, too. So we’ve made it easy for you to stay in touch with your son or daughter while they are in the Army.

Learn about Keeping in Touch