Afghan National Police Brig. Gen. Abdul Nabi Elham, the Helmand provincial police chief, gives a speech during an Afghan Local Police shura, or meeting, at the Helmand Province Police Headquarters in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, Afghanistan, April 18, 2012.

Shura held to discuss ALP logistics accountability

2012/05/22 • Comments

“The Log shura was held to bring the Afghan Local Police to the table to discuss issues and concerns pertaining to logistics,” said U.S. Army Maj. Mike Buck, Regional Logistics Center, Regional Support Command Southwest logistics advisor.

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Afghan National Army trainees listen to an ANA instructor, or bridmal, give a first aid class during Regional Basic Warrior Training at Regional Military Training Center Southwest in Helmand province, Afghanistan, May 15, 2012.

ANA Recruits begin third week of basic training

2012/05/21 • Comments

“Its 100 percent important (they learn) first aid because they know they can prevent death easily,” said ANA 1st Lt Faiz Ra, the company executive officer for 4th Tolay, through a linguist.

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Category: News - Afghan National Army, News - General, News - Medical

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