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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Rural Health

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Rural Health Black Lung/Coal Miner Clinics Program

Program Overview

The Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-239), as amended February 27, 1985, reinstated the authority of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to support clinics to evaluate, treat, and rehabilitate current and retired coal miners with employee-related respiratory impairments. The purpose of the Black Lung Clinics Program (BLCP) is to seek out and provide services to active and inactive coal miners to minimize the effects of job-related respiratory impairment, improve the health status of miners exposed to coal dust, and to increase coordination with other benefit programs to meet the special health needs of this population. Services provided by Black Lung Clinics include patient care and family education opportunities, patient health assessments, patient care coordination and case management and disease management.   


Eligible entities include State, public and non-profit private organizations, including faith and community-based organizations, proposing to serve the same areas or populations currently being served by the existing clinics.  Preference will be give to a State that meets the requirements over other applicants in the same State.


The next competitive grant Request for Proposal is expected to be available in Fall 2012 for a July 1, 2013 start date.


Nadia Ibrahim at or 301-443-5490

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