Search Results for: Sudan

The House has passed the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007 by a vote of 411-0, which passed the Senate by unanimous consent earlier this week. The bill protects states’ and investment firms’ rights to divest from companies with … Continue reading

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San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement at the San Francisco Save Darfur Coalition divestment press conference this morning: “Thank you, San Francisco Save Darfur Coalition, for your leadership on efforts to pressure the Sudan government to … Continue reading

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The Science Subcommittee on Investigations & Oversight chaired by Rep. Brad Miller (NC-13) is currently holding a hearing, “The National Security Implications of Climate Change.” Watch the hearing live >> Subcommittee Chairman Brad Miller gives opening remarks: Chairman Miller: “The … Continue reading

Posted in Energy Independence, Oversight, Real Security, The Environment | Leave a comment

In June the Oversight Committee held a hearing on China, which is hosting the 2008 Olympics, to use its unique influence and economic leverage to stop genocide and violence in Darfur. Having continually pressed President Bush to do more to … Continue reading

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The Oversight and Government Reform Committee is currently holding a hearing, “Darfur and the Olympics: A Call for International Action.” Subcommittee Chairman John Tierney has invited classrooms across the country (pdf) to watch the hearing. On Tuesday the House passed … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Oversight | Leave a comment

Tonight, the House passed a resolution introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee calling on the government of the People's Republic of China to use its unique influence and economic leverage to stop genocide and violence in Darfur. The government of China … Continue reading

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The President's decision to impose tougher economic sanctions on Sudan was the right one. The Bashir government has made it clear by its actions that it only responds to pressure, and it is up to the international community to apply … Continue reading

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