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Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff - 2007
Note: Statements made as Commissioner

December 20, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on preventing undue discrimination and preference in transmission service Read More

December 19, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on U.S. Senate confirmation to a second term Read More

November 15, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on Southern California Edison Company (Docket No. EL07-62-000) Read More

November 15, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on promotion of a more efficient capacity release market (Docket No: RM08-1-000) Read More

September 27, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's speech at Western Governors' Association Summit, Ft. Collins, CO "Renewables Development: The Western and U.S. Landscapes" PDF

September 20, 2007 - Revisions to Forms, Statements, and Reporting Requirements for Natural Gas Pipelines (Docket No. RM07-9-000) Read More

September 20, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on establishment of the Energy Innovations Sector within the Commission’s Staff Read More

July 19, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on FPA Section 203 Supplemental Policy Statement, Cross-Subsidization Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions, and Blanket Authorization under FPA Section 203 Read More

May 24, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s presentation on Demand Response at the 2007 Second Annual IRC Board Conference in Cambridge, MA | Presentation PDF
Impacts Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on electric utilities and regional U.S. Power Grids PDF by Michael Kintner-Meyer, Kevin Schneider and Robert Pratt

» New Load, or New Resources? PDF by Steven Letendre and Paul Denholm

May 7, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s presentation at the Fourth Annual Cascadia Transportation Conference, Redmond, WA | How to Improve the Efficiency of the World's Biggest Machine Part 1 PDF | Part 2 PDF
» Event Details

April 23, 2007 - Energy Daily Media Breakfast Sponsored by: Compete. Watch the interview External Link on The Energy Daily

April 23, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's remarks on the technical conference on Demand Response in Wholesale Markets Read More

April 19, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on Rockies Express Pipeline LLC et al. Read More

April 19, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff's statement on California Independent System Operator Corporation Read More

April 11, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff at the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Presentation PDF | Event Details

March 30, 2007 - Comments of Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff & Willett Kempe PDF on the DOE - Plug-In Hybrid electric Vehicle R&D Plan PDF External link

March 16, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s presentation on Demand Response: From Water Heaters to CashBack Hybrids PDF

March 15, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s statement on mandatory reliability standards for the bulk-power system Read More

March 15, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s statement on Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. Read More

February 15, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s statement on preventing undue discrimination and preference in transmission service Read More

February 14, 2007 - Commissioner Wellinghoff’s presentation at the Great Energy Efficiency Day, Washington, DC | How to Improve the Efficiency of the World's Biggest Machine Part 1 PDF | Part 2 PDF | Event Details

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Updated: June 28, 2010