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Download Petition Filing Instructions

TAA petitions must be properly completed and filed with the appropriate state and federal offices. This page provides downloadable copies of the TAA Petition form and provides instructions on how to properly complete the form and file it with the appropriate offices via fax or U.S. Mail. Click on the links below to download copies of the English and Spanish versions of the “Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA).”

TAA Petition Form
pdf format     MS Word format

TAA Petition Form - Spanish
pdf format     MS Word format


Petition Fax / Mailing Addresses:

U.S. Department of Labor,
Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-5428
Washington, DC 20210
Phone - 202-693-3560 or 1-888-DOL-OTAA (1-888-365-6822)
Fax - 202-693-3584, 3585

Detailed Petition Filing Instructions

Following is an overview and explanation of each section:

Section 1 - Petitioner Information
Petition forms must be completed by a group of three or more workers, a company official, a union or other duly authorized representative, or a One-Stop Operator or One-Stop partner. Contact information should be provided for each petitioner. The contact information should include the home address of each petitioner. This will allow the Department to contact each petitioner even if the facility is closed or the petitioner is no longer working there.

If three workers complete the petition, they must all work at the same location. Additionally, all three workers must be sure to sign the petition form in Section 4. If workers who complete the form are not from the same location, or if they do not all sign the form, the petition will be considered invalid and returned to petitioners.

Section 2 - Company Information
Petitioners should provide information about the firm/subdivision where the workers are employed. Where possible, contact information should be provided for two knowledgeable company officials, in order to expedite the investigative process.

Section 3 - Trade Effects
Petitioners should provide as much information as possible in this section. The more information provided, the quicker investigators can complete their research into the causes of the layoff and issue determinations.

Workers may be certified for TAA in two ways. The certification may be based on direct effects such as the workers’ company increasing imports, or based on the indirect, or secondary, effect of losing business to companies whose workers are certified for TAA. Workers certified because of indirect effects are also known as secondary workers. Secondary Workers are eligible for TAA only if the firm they supplied components to or finished products for has already been certified by the DOL as affected by increased imports or shifts in production to foreign countries. Petitioners can verify if firms have been TAA certified by checking the Determinations page. The Determinations page provides updates on the status of TAA petition investigations, as well as final determinations. The more information provided, the quicker investigators can determine whether or not workers qualify.

Petitioners may also attach additional information or supporting documents to the petition. If they choose to do so, they should check the box indicating that documents were attached. This will help alert the investigator in the event that the documents become separated from the petition.

Section 4 - Affirmation of Information
Each petitioner is required to sign this section indicating that the information provided is true, correct, and complete. The petition must also indicate the date on which it is filed. Petitions that are not signed and dated will be considered invalid and returned to petitioners.