Curriculum Programs
High School Girl in Library
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Fine Arts
Gifted Education
Health Education
Host Nation Studies
Physical Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Virtual School Program
World Language

Information Centers

The role of the DoDEA School Library Information Center program is to support the DoDEA mission of preparing military children for success in a global environment. This mission is achieved by:

  • Providing access to print and non-print resource materials that are aligned to the DoDEA curriculum;
  • Facilitating library services and literacy programming that fosters a love of reading;
  • Defining the essential information literacy skills required for student achievement in the 21st century; and
  • Collaborating with educators to design learning strategies and deliver instruction that meets the needs of the military child.

Information Literacy [IL] is the acquisition, interpretation, and dissemination of information. IL encompasses effective methods for locating, evaluating, using, and generating ideas and information. The focus of IL is to help DoDEA students become critical consumers of information enabling them to effectively evaluate information; then successfully apply their knowledge to decision-making, problem-solving, and creative pursuits.

The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for 21st Century Learners guide DoDEA library programs. These standards define information skill sets required for student achievement in a global world.

Information Literate Students Will:

  1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge
  2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge
  3. Share their knowledge and understandings with others and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society
  4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth

Contact Information:

4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria VA 22350-1400