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Army Strong Stories



  • prior service Marine to active duty Army

    10.02.2012 - I've been going through the process to go active duty since Aug. I'm prior marine e4 with a re1a re entry code. While in...

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  • Tattoo.

    10.02.2012 - Hey Im going in as a 68W and I leave for Ft. Sill in 49 days, i have a tattoo taht had an allergic reaction to the red i...

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  • Switching recruiting stations after swearing into the DEP

    10.01.2012 - So i swore in already into the DEP and was wondering can i switch my future soldier stuff and all my other paperwork to ...

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  • MOS 35T AIT

    10.02.2012 - What is life like for a MOS-T (retraining) SSG for MOS 35T.  I am currently on orders to Fort Huachuca for this MOS...

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  • Problem with quotation marks

    10.01.2012 - Looks like quotation marks aren't working for some reason. This is what you get: "   ! @ # $ % ^ & * ...

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  • Age Driffent

    10.02.2012 - what age can i join the army and is 25 a good age for the army

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  • Hey 15 and wanting to enlist

    09.30.2012 - Hey everyone, I'm a 15 year old female and have wanted to join the army since I was like 10 , But my dad wants me to bec...

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    10.02.2012 - Hello all, I'm currently in DEP shipping the beginning of next year and wanted to gain some input on the 12T MOS. I've s...

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  • Help ~

    10.01.2012 - I'm a 17 year old senior in high school, and my dream is to join the Army. However I am held back on this dream because ...

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  • Location,School and Army

    10.01.2012 - I want to join the Army and have recently been released from probation, i also would like to do more of school then anyt...

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Female voice one : I think the Army community has an incredible bond, thank goodness for girlfriends and neighbors.

Female voice one : I feel like I have a sense of family and that I have a sense of community. I have never been so proud in all of my life.

Gary Sinise: The strength of our soldiers comes from the strength of their families.

Gary Sinise: Which is why the U.S. Army does all it can to keep Army families Army strong.