Trent's Blog

Franks in the News -- Week of 9/25/11

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on September 30, 2011

U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., wants the Obama administration to release all its documents and data for its ill-fated Operation Fast and Furious gun-running investigation.
WASHINGTON, DC -- "Nonetheless, I am still compelled to remind an ostensibly modernized government that it is shameful and cowardly to kill an innocent person for merely practicing his faith," Congressman Trent Franks (AZ02) said.
GOSPEL HERALD - In a statement Wednesday, Congressman Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) accused the Iranian government of hypocrisy for "disregarding one of the most fundamental human rights: the ability of the Iranian people to freely choose a faith of their choice."

WASHINGTON - A week ago, Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was a relatively unknown Christian facing execution for his faith under Iran’s interpretation of Sharia law. Few people knew his name, and almost no one was aware of the fate that awaited him. His only hope was and still is an immense amount of international pressure on the Iranian government to prevent the first apostate execution in Iran in over twenty years.
THE AIDS BEACON - Five representatives of Congress announced the launch of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus last week. The goals of the Caucus are to maintain U.S. leadership in the fight against HIV and AIDS in the U.S. and internationally and to prepare for the International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C., next year. The Caucus is co-chaired by Representative Jim McDermott from California, Representative Trent Franks from Arizona, and Representative Barbara Lee from California.

Franks in the News -- Week of 9/18/11

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on September 23, 2011

Filed Under: Arizona   Constitution   Debt   Department of the Interior   Economy   Human Rights   Taxes   Taxes and Economy   Voting   Senate  

GLENDALE- U.S. Rep. Trent Franks unveiled a bill Friday to stop what he called an “illegal” Indian casino proposed near Glendale. Franks, R-Ariz., was joined by state and local lawmakers and tribal representatives as he spoke to about 100 people gathered at a news conference at the Glendale Media Center. Franks’ bill would modify a 25-year-old settlement between Congress and the Tohono O’odham Nation.

Glendale resident Nancy Robinette is against the Tohono O’odham’s plans for a casino-resort at 91st and Northern avenues; though she is quick to point out she has no issues with gambling. Robinette was one of dozens in attendance for Rep. Trent Franks’ press conference Friday morning to formally announce the Gila Bend Indian Reservation Lands Replacement Clarification Act. Franks, flanked by local, state and tribal legislators and leaders, said he is pursuing the legislation because he believes the Tohono O’odham are overreaching.

Friday, Arizona Congressman Trent Franks – strongly supported by Glendale Mayor Elaine Scruggs, members of the Glendale City Council, representatives from Arizona’s tribal nations, and other federal, state and local representatives – introduced the Gila Bend Indian Reservation Lands Replacement Clarification Act. Franks’ proposal will stop one tribe, the southern Arizona Tohono O’Odham Nation, from opening an illegal casino in the middle of Glendale, near homes, schools and small businesses.

Joining Congresswoman Lee at the event and as founding co-chairs of the Caucus were Congressman Jim McDermott (D-CA) and Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ). Representative Franks observed that there are some issues on which Members of Congress “can find great common ground” and HIV/AIDS was one of them. 

The Medicare Part D program is performing much better than anyone would have predicted…the efficient delivery of the drug benefit through competitive private plans in a consumer driven market vindicated the design of the drug program. Medicare Part D created a competitive marketplace for private drug plans and its success is undeniable.

CRONKITE NEWS- Arizona’s 2008 E-Verify law was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, which said that states have the right to revoke businesses licenses if they are found hiring undocumented workers. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Glendale, said states should have that right, but he defended a federal bill in the meantime.

WASHINGTON POST- ...Many Republicans considered the figure a cap and believed their party should push for deeper cuts at every turn. Fifty had signed a letter last week urging deeper cuts, and 48 voted against the measure. “There has to be that moment where we say ‘no, this is not what is necessary, and we’re going to have to work for something better,’ ” said Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who opposed the bill.
Among the leading conservatives opposing it were Rep. Steve King (R.-Iowa), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R.-Texas), Rep. Joe Walsh (R.-Ill.), Rep. Jeff Flake (R.-Ariz.), Rep. Trent Franks (R.-Ariz.) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio), the chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, which is the organization of House conservatives. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R.-Texas), who are campaigning for president, did not vote.

NEW YORK TIMES- Republicans for their part think that if they hold strong to the principles that they believe got them elected — budget cutting and deficit reduction — any hardball tactics will be rewarded.  “I know this is going to sound really partisan,” said Representative Trent Franks, a Republican from Arizona. “But I think if people think about the possibility of the re-election of President Obama,” they will ignore the rancor and pull the lever for Republicans again, he said.
THE HILL- House GOP leaders early Friday morning managed to win back almost half of the 48 Republicans who handed their leadership an embarrassing defeat by voting against a continuing resolution Wednesday night.

KINGMAN- Based on the 2010 census, Arizona picked up a ninth congressional seat. Currently, U.S. Congressional District 2 includes all of Mohave County and part of western Maricopa County. U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Glendale, represents District 2.

Franks in the News -- Week of 9/11/11

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on September 16, 2011

WASHINGTON- Rep. Trent Franks, R-Glendale, called the newest plan a "miniature stimulus program that he (Obama) said would be paid for, but he wouldn't tell us how."
Other Republicans echoed the complaint that the president's plan was more of the same, pointing to the administration's previous economic stimulus plan.
Asbestos fraud the subject of House hearing
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) - A House subcommittee plans to hold a hearing on fraud and abuse in the asbestos compensation system on Friday. The House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution is holding the hearing at 10 a.m. It is titled "How Fraud and Abuse in the Asbestos Compensation System Affect Victims, Jobs, the Economy and the Legal System."
Letters of opposition to the withdrawal entered onto the record during the proceedings included correspondence from Congressman Trent Franks, R-Ariz., and Congressman Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.; another signed by 13 U.S. Senators including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah and Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo.; Mohave Livestock Association and Mohave County Farm Bureau, Arizona State Treasurer Doug Ducey; and Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer.
WASHINGTON -- The first ever bipartisan congressional HIV/AIDS caucus officially launched on Thursday, 30 years after the human immunodeficiency virus was first identified.
Led by House members Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), the group marks the first time Republicans have joined with Democrats to create a group aimed at eradicating AIDS, which has claimed 25 million lives around the globe since 1981. Prior to Thursday, similar groups in Congress contained only Democrats.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Representing 59 members of Congress [including Arizona Representative Trent Franks] and nearly 60,000 Americans, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) today urged the Supreme Court to hear a case involving the Obama Administration's challenge to several key provisions of Arizona's law targeting illegal immigration.
Congressman Trent Franks (R-Dist. 2), along with Glendale Mayor Elaine Scruggs, representatives from Arizona's tribes, and other state and local representatives will hold a press conference 10 a.m. Sept. 16 to announce the introduction of the Gila Bend Indian Reservation Lands Replacement Clarification Act, which would prohibit Class II and Class III (Las Vegas-style) gaming on any replacement lands located in Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa counties, which are taken into trust by the Department of Interior.
Trent Franks (R-AZ), launched the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus. Speaking at the press conference, each of the co-chairs signaled their determination to put an end to the epidemic, and pledged to work together to achieve that goal.  Jeffrey S. Crowley, White House Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, joined the Caucus Co-Chairs and spoke briefly about the importance of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and thanked the members and advocates for keeping up the pressure to ensure funding for implementation of the NHAS.