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HOME Reports

ADDI Accomplishment Reports

The monthly ADDI Accomplishment Report summarizes homebuyer downpayment assistance and rehab crediting to the American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI).

  • ADDI Accomplishment Report
    (Under Revision)
    • Sorted Alphabetically
    • Sorted by Field Office
  • ADDI Accomplishment Detail Report
    (Under Revision)
    • Excel Spreadsheet

Dashboard Reports

The new quarterly HOME Program "Dashboard" reports have been developed to provide elected officials and department and agency heads with a quick overview of their jurisdiction’s performance in delivering affordable housing assistance with their HOME program funds. Using just a few key indicators in easy to understand graphic format, key leaders will be able to obtain information on cumulative HOME Program performance and on accomplishments for the most recent quarter. It is hoped that the Dashboard will help to focus attention on local affordable housing efforts and on improving HOME Program performance going forward.

Deadline Compliance Status Reports

These monthly Deadline Compliance Status Reports assist PJs and HUD Field Offices in monitoring compliance with the 2-year commitment and CHDO reservation requirements of the HOME statute and the 5-year expenditure requirements of the HOME regulations.

ENERGY STAR Unit Reports

These quarterly Federal Fiscal Year performance reports track the ENERGY STAR qualified HOME units that Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) record in HUD's Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). These reports reflect "new construction only" and "acquisition and new construction" IDIS activity types for "homebuyer" and "rental" tenure types. ENERGY STAR qualified units must be certified by an independent HOME Energy Rater (HER) as meeting guidelines for energy-efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ENERGY STAR units are at least 15% more energy-efficient. These reports are useful for evaluating local PJ accomplishments in building energy-efficient HOME housing.

      Promoting ENERGY STAR through HOME
      Building Green HOME Housing

Expiring Funds Reports

This weekly report has been developed to assist PJs in identifying FY 2005 and older grant balances, the Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) will post a report, periodically, identifying each PJ that has a grant balance for FY 2005 and earlier.

HOME PJs Open Activities Reports

This report is an MS Excel spreadsheet, which is broken up by state. PJs can use this report to view open activities in IDIS including activities with 100 percent of the funds drawn and with a status code of FD, or final draw. The HOME final rule at 24 CFR 92.502(d)(1) requires PJs to enter project completion data into IDIS within 120 days of making a final draw for a project (see HOMEfires Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2005). In addition, PJs can view activities that have been open (OP) for several years with little or no HOME funds drawn. These projects, if not progressing, should be cancelled. Likewise, Field Offices can use this report as a desk-monitoring tool to view each PJ’s open activities in need of completion or cancellation in IDIS.

HOME PJs Vacant Units Reports

Introducing the HOME Participating Jurisdictions Vacant Units Reports! These are new monthly reports in the form of MS Excel spreadsheets, broken up by state, similar to the HOME Participating Jurisdiction's Open Activities Reports. The purpose of the HOME Participating Jurisdictions Vacant Units Reports is to help HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) identify units in HOME projects that are marked “vacant” in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). If the vacant units are part of a completed HOME IDIS activity, occupancy and beneficiary data should be entered for these units.

HUD Initiated Activity Cancellation Reports

This monthly report displays all HOME activities automatically cancelled by IDIS. Effective January 1, 2011, and the beginning of every month thereafter, committed HOME activities in IDIS that are over 12 months old with no funds disbursed, will automatically be cancelled.

National Production Report

These monthly cumulative summary reports of HOME data by fiscal year include: allocations, commitments, disbursements, leveraging ratios, low-income benefit, committed funds by activity type, and HOME cost per unit by tenure and activity type.

NOTE: Under Revision

Performance SNAPSHOT Reports

These quarterly cumulative performance reports are useful in tracking the HOME Program progress of Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) and in keeping constituents more fully informed of activities undertaken with HOME funds.

Content current as of 27 July 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top