News List

  • Simpson Says No to Higher Taxes
    Aug 1, 2012 - Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted for H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012. This legislation would extend through December, 2013, the low-tax policies originally enacted in 2001 as part of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act. “I cannot support ra... More
  • Simpson Supports Lower Taxes for Small Businesses
    Apr 19, 2012 - The U.S. House of Representatives today passed H.R. 9, the Small Business Tax Cut Act of 2012, which allows businesses with fewer than 500 employees to reduce their profit subject to taxation by 20% in the 2012 tax year. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson supported the measure, which passed with a final... More
  • Simpson, Labrador Call on Senate to Return to DC
    Dec 20, 2011 - Idaho Congressmen Mike Simpson and Raúl Labrador voted today to convene a conference committee to negotiate differences between the House and Senate versions of legislation to extend the payroll tax holiday, as well as unemployment insurance. Last week, both Idaho Congressmen supported legislation t... More
  • Simpson Joins Bipartisan Vote to Repeal Withholding Tax
    Oct 27, 2011 - Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today lauded passage of legislation to repeal a 3% withholding on government contractors. H.R. 674 passed the House by a strong bipartisan vote of 405-16. Simpson has been a cosponsor of this legislation since 2008. “Democrats and Republicans alike recognize that allo... More