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Ex-Im Bank & the Environment

Ex-Im Bank Environmental Programs, Policies, Requirements, & Pending Transaction List

Ex-Im Bank Environmental Exports Program

Ex-Im Bank has established an "Environmental Exports Program" which increases the level of support it provides to exporters of environmentally beneficial goods and services, as well as to exporters participating in foreign environmentally beneficial projects. This program affords exporters a special level of support in conjunction with either Ex-Im Bank's Insurance Program or with Ex-Im Bank's loan and guarantee programs. It underscores Ex-Im Bank's resolve to reach out to small and large exporters alike whose exports qualify for the features associated with program.

Ex-Im Bank Environmental Policy

Ex-Im Bank's Charter authorizes the Board of Directors to grant or withhold financing support after taking into account the beneficial and adverse environmental effects of proposed transactions. Ex-Im Bank's objective is to maintain U.S. exporters' competitiveness in the global marketplace while ensuring that the projects it supports are environmentally responsible. Environmental Procedures and Guidelines have been adopted which set forth Ex-Im Bank's environmental objectives. These Procedures and Guidelines include ten sector tables which list qualitative and quantitative limits for elements such as air and water quality against which the Engineering and Environment Division will evaluate the environmental effects of projects within these industrial sectors. Comprehensive information is provided in the following documents:

Ex-Im Bank Environmental Procedures
Annex A - Ex-Im Bank Environmental Guidelines
Annex B - Ex-Im Bank Environmental Screening Document
Annex C - Ex-Im Bank Exclusion List for Export Credit Insurance
Annex D - Illustrative List of Sensitive Sectors and Areas (projects requiring an EIA)
Annex E - Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
Annex F - Environmental Exports Program

Environmental Information for Pending and Approved Transactions

A list of all final applications for financing involving major projects that are pending Ex-Im Bank Board Action (i.e. currently under review) is available by clicking on Pending Final Applications for Major Projects. This listing is revised as the status of applications changes. Interested parties may provide information to Ex-Im Bank's Engineering & Environment Division about potential environmental issues raised by the projects.

Ex-Im Bank Major Transactions Approved During 2004

A list of the major projects approved by Ex-Im Bank's Board of Directors during 2004 that were categorized as either environmental Category A or B transactions is available by clicking on 2004 Category A and B transactions. The environmental factors associated with each of the listed projects are summarized, as well as the length of time that the EIA for the Category A transactions was made available by Ex-Im Bank.


Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised : October 17, 2008
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