Alhurra Interviews Sen. Ben Cardin on Egypt and Syria

Alhurra Television’s Congressional Correspondent Rana Abtar interviewed Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) regarding U.S. aid to Egypt and the situation in Syria. During the interview Sen. Cardin said, “We understand the importance of our relationships in the Middle East, we are very much engaged. We are not going to pull out our aid. We are very much involved helping the Middle East and Egypt as it transitions to a more democratic government, respecting the rights of its own citizens and joining us in fighting extremists.” When talking about the recent violent protests in the region, Sen. Cardin said that protecting diplomatic missions needs to be a top priority and Egypt has to do a better job of not just protecting the U.S. Embassy, but all foreign embassies.

In regards to Syria, Sen. Cardin stated what’s happening in Syria is outrageous and he hopes the international community would respond in a stronger way to make it clear that we won’t tolerate the conduct that has taken place. He also said that President Assad needs to be held accountable for his actions and we need a new regime in Syria.


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