Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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Board of Directors & Senior Executives

Board of Directors

  Chairman (Acting) Martin J. Gruenberg
  Vice Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg
  Director Thomas M. Hoenig
  Director Jeremiah O. Norton
  Comptroller of the Currency Thomas J. Curry 
  Director (Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Richard Cordray

Washington Office

  Deputy to the Chairman and Chief Financial Officer Steven O. App
  Special Advisor to CFO Chris Aiello
  Deputy to the Chairman for External Affairs Vacant
  Chief of Staff Barbara Ryan
  Deputy to the Chairman Kymberly K. Copa
  Senior Advisor to the Acting Chairman Ellen W. Lazar
  Acting General Counsel Richard J. Osterman, Jr.
  Chief Information Officer, Chief Privacy Officer and Director, Division of Information Technology Russell G. Pittman
  Chief Risk Officer Stephen A. Quick
  Internal Ombudsman Robert D. Harris
  Director, Division of Risk Management Supervision Sandra L. Thompson
  Director, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection Mark Pearce
  Director, Division of Insurance and Research Arthur J. Murton
  Director, Division of Resolutions & Receiverships Bret D. Edwards
  Director, Division of Administration Arleas Upton Kea
  Director, Division of Finance Craig Jarvill
  Director, Office of Complex Financial Institutions James Wigand
  Director, International Affairs Fred S. Carns
  Director, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion D. Michael Collins
  Director, Office of Legislative Affairs Eric Spitler
  Deputy to the Chairman for Communications Andrew S. Gray
  Chief Learning Officer Thom H. Terwilliger
  Ombudsman Cottrell L. Webster
  Deputy to the Vice Chairman Barbara A. Ryan
  Deputy to Director Vacant
  Deputy to the Director (Comptroller of the Currency) William A. Rowe, III
  Deputy to the Director (CFPB) Raj Date
  Inspector General Jon T. Rymer

Last Updated 9/27/2012 communications@fdic.gov