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HUD   >   State Information   >   Shared   >   Working   >   Region 2   >   MultyFamily   >   Multifamily Housing: Lender's Queue
Multifamily Housing: Lender's Queue
Serving New York and New Jersey

Program Center Name: New York
Queue Log: 08/20/2012

Queue Number Received Date FHA# Status Estimated Completion Date
1 2/17/2012 012-11326 Firm Commitment Issued /Firm Extension  10/31/2012
2 4/19/2012 012-57428 Firm Commitment Issued  10/14/2012
3 4/20/2012 012-57426 Firm Commitment Issued  10/14/2012
4 4/26/2012 012-57427 Firm Commitment Issued  10/15/2012
5 5/29/2012 012-35709 Firm Commitment Issued  10/8/2012
6 5/30/2012 012-32281 Preliminary Reject Issued 8/30/2012
7 6/14/2012 012-11328 Preliminary Reject Issued 9/30/2012
8 7/5/2012 012-32282 Pre-application/Preliminary Reject 9/30/2012
9 7/11/2012 012-11329 Preliminary Reject Issued 9/9/2012
10 7/12/2012 012-11330 In technical processing/staff review 8/31/2012
11 8/8/2012 012-98013 Preliminary Reject Issued 9/16/2012
12 8/16/2012 012-11331 Application received/EWS assessment initiated. 10/15/2012
13 8/17/2012 012-97268 Application received/EWS assessment initiated. 8/25/2012
14 8/17/2012 012-35710 Application received/EWS assessment initiated. 9/17/2012

Status Actions:
Application received/EWS assessment initiated.
In technical processing/staff review
Awaiting Hub loan committee review
Awaiting National loan committee review
Waiting for lender response to deficiencies
Pre-application invitation letter issued
Preliminary Reject Issued
Pre-application/Preliminary Reject
Firm Commitment Issued
Firm Commitment Amended
Firm Commitment Issued /Firm Extension

Serving the 48 Counties of Upstate New York
Buffalo Multifamily Program Center
Queue Log: 08/20/2012

Queue Number Received Date FHA# Status Estimated Completion Date
1 3/7/2012 014-11196 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 8/24/2012
2 3/28/2012 014-11197 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 8/24/2012
3 4/5/2012 014-11199 Preliminary Reject Issued 9/30/2012
4 7/13/2012 014-11209 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 8/31/2012
6 7/17/2012 014-11210 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 8/31/2012
5 7/16/2012 014-11211 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 9/5/2012
9 7/20/2012 014-11214 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 9/5/2012
8 7/19/2012 014-11213 In Technical Processing / Staff Review 9/10/2012
  7/17/2012 014-10055 Processing by OAHP  9/17/2012
  8/17/2012 014-35237 Processing by OAHP  10/17/2012
  1/23/2012 014-11193 Firm Commitment Issued  
  2/15/2012 014-11194 Firm Commitment Issued  
  2/15/2012 014-11195 Firm Commitment Issued  
  5/4/2012 014-32011 Firm Commitment Issued 10/14/2012
    014-11205 EWS Rejection  
    014-11200 EWS Rejection  
    014-11206 EWS Rejection  
    014-11201 EWS Rejection  
    014-11202 EWS Rejection  
    014-11203 EWS Rejection  
    014-11204 EWS Rejection  
    014-11207 EWS Rejection  
    014-11208 EWS Rejection  
    014-11198 EWS Rejection  
    014-11212 EWS Rejection  
  7/27/2011 014-38007 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  8/3/2011 014-35224 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  8/10/2011 014-11187 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/19/2011 014-11189 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/18/2011 014-35234 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/24/2011 014-35233 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  1/31/2012 014-35232 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  1/29/20112 014-35235 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/6/2011 014-11188 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/24/2011 014-32010 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/19/2011 014-11192 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/19/2011 014-11190 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/19/2011 014-11191 Firm Commitment Issued Closed 
  10/22/2010 014-35266 Firm Application Invited  Invitation expired 4/13/2012 

Status Actions:
Application received and EWS assessment initiated.
In technical processing/staff review
Awaiting hub loan committee review
Awaiting national loan committee review
Waiting for lender response to deficiencies
Pre-application invitation letter issued
Firm commitment issued
Preliminary Reject Issued
EWS Rejection