What do you think about our draft strategic plan for the next five years?


We have an expansive, vital mission: to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans. But, how do we do that with limited resources?

We’ll accomplish our mission by setting goals, establishing strategies, and measuring performance. Our strategic plan outlines this information and describes how we will focus our resources on the areas where we can have the biggest impact.

Check out our draft
Today it’s just a draft – take a look at our strategic plan for 2013 – 2018.

What do you think?
We want your thoughts and ideas on how to improve our plan. Weigh in by emailing your comments on the plan to StrategyPlanComments@cfpb.gov by October 25, 2012.

  • Ticked off MLO

    If you really want to help consumers then why don’t you trying listening to the people you want to regulate? Im a mortgage loan originotor and your new rules are a trainwreck. I could accomplish ALL of your goals in less than 10 pages of rules.

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