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Export Import Bank of the United States
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Apply | Online Services | Letter of Interest

Ex-Im Bank Letter of Interest Application

Ex-Im Bank’s Letter of Interest (LI) is a pre-export tool to help you get your financing off to a quick start. Ex-Im is committed to processing your LI application within 7 business days.

The LI is an indication of Ex-Im’s willingness to consider financing for a given export transaction. Apply for an LI during the bidding or negotiating stage of an export sale or before going on a marketing trip. For further information, click below on How to Apply for an LI.

How to Apply for an LI PDF
Letter of Interest Application PDF
Printing, Faxing, Mailing and Payment Instructions PDF
Sample LI and Term Sheet from Ex-Im Bank PDF
Guidelines for LIs PDF

Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised: January 6, 2002
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