Financial Literacy

The current economic environment has made it clear that the financial crisis we faced is not only a national one, but an individual one as well. The high cost of education and other goods and services and the easy availability of credit have left many Americans deeply in credit card debt, and the mortgage crisis has revealed that many Americans purchased homes without knowing what they were getting into and have now discovered that they don’t have the ability to pay their mortgages in the long term.

I strongly support efforts to educate all Americans on how to manage their finances and prepare for the future.  Financial literacy allows individuals to make sound financial decisions, provide for their own economic security, and meet goals like obtaining a college education, starting a small business, or owning a home. When young people learn to be financial responsible at an early age, they benefit throughout their lives, and I support financial literacy programs in our schools. Of course, it is never too late to become financially knowledgeable, and I would encourage you to visit the Idaho Department of Finance website to learn more about saving and investing wisely, protecting yourself from fraud, and effectively managing finances for your family or your business.