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Export Import Bank of the United States
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International Buyers


The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) – the official export credit agency of the United States – supports the purchases of U.S. goods and services by creditworthy international buyers that cannot obtain credit through traditional trade finance sources. We offer trade  financing solutions and help turn your business opportunities into real transactions.

Ex-Im Bank does not compete with private sector lenders but provides financing products that fill gaps in trade financing. We assume country and credit risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept. We also help to level the playing field for U.S. exporters by matching the financing that other governments provide to their exporters.

In nearly 70 years of operation, Ex-Im Bank has supported more than $400 billion of U.S. exports to international markets.

Medium- and Long-Term Financing

Ex-Im Bank supports your purchases of U.S. capital goods and related services by guaranteeing or insuring loans to international buyers. In some cases, we also provide direct loans to buyers.

Ex-Im Bank will support up to 85% of the contract amount (depending upon U.S. content) after a cash payment of at least 15%.


  • Enables you to obtain financing from commercial lenders for your purchases of U.S. capital goods and services
  • Floating interest rate negotiated between you and the lender
  • Local costs and eligible project costs, such as ancillary services (e.g., financial, legal and technical consulting fees) may be financed
  • Loans may be denominated in U.S. dollars or in select foreign currencies

Loan Guarantees

Ex-Im Bank loan guarantees covers 100% of loan principal and accrued interest and is available for medium-term (up to five years) and long-term (over seven years) repayment, which is usually determined by transaction size. The interest rate charged is usually a floating rate, negotiated between the buyer and the lender.


 Ex-Im Bank also offers medium-term insurance with similar eligibility requirements.
Direct Loans: In some cases, Ex-Im Bank will extend a direct loan to an international buyer. The down payment requirements are the same as those for the loan guarantee, but direct loans have a fixed interest rate, based on the U.S. Treasury rate.

Structured and Project Finance

Ex-Im Bank also offers guarantees and direct loans to finance the construction and operation of projects through structured finance transactions, including limited recourse project finance in which project cash flows are used for repayment of the financing.


  • Financing available for purchases of U.S. capital goods and services for international projects, including projects in countries where Ex-Im Bank is not open for routine transactions
  • Long-term financing is available on terms up to 14 years
  • Interest during construction, local costs and ancillary services (e.g., financial, legal or technical consultation fees) may be financed


Ex-Im Bank’s medium- and long-term financing products can assist U.S. manufacturers in selling transportation equipment to international buyers. Ex-Im Bank will support the export of both new and used U.S. manufactured transportation equipment such as commercial jet aircraft and engines, general aviation equipment, locomotives and other rolling stock, ships, and trucks. Special financing structures such as asset-based finance leases are available for certain exports. For more information, see Transportation Security Exports Program


  • Financing available for purchases of U.S. transportation equipment, including in countries where Ex-Im Bank is not open for routine transaction.
  • Long-term financing is available on terms up to 14 years

Short-Term Financing

In addition to medium-term insurance, Ex-Im Bank also provides U.S. exporters and lenders with a variety of short-term (generally up to 180 days) export credit insurance policies.

Short-term insurance is generally used for transactions involving consumer goods, agricultural products, spare parts and raw materials. Medium-term insurance is generally used for capital goods and services. The exporter or lender must submit the applications.


  • Enables U.S. exporters and lenders to extend credit terms to international buyers with minimal risk
  • Often more cost effective than bank financing or letters of credit

Special Initiatives

Co-Financing: Ex-Im Bank works closely with foreign export credit counterparts to establish co-financing arrangements. Under this structure, Ex-Im Bank guarantees the U.S. portion of a transaction, while the foreign export credit agency supports its respective portion.


  • Single, streamlined financing product
  • Greater coverage with a simplified process

Sub-Sovereign: Ex-Im Bank’s sub-sovereign initiative allows a local or regional government to serve as a borrower or guarantor for the purchase of U.S. goods and services. Eligible sub-sovereign entities must be rated by an internationally recognized credit rating organization and meet Ex-Im Bank’s credit criteria.


  • Reduces need for sovereign guarantees in developing markets
  • Enables sub-sovereign public sector buyers to access medium- and long-term financing for purchases of U.S. goods and services
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