Press Releases

House Passes Bill to Reduce Gas Prices
Congressman Simpson supports comprehensive efforts for a long-term solution for lower gas prices

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Washington, Jun 21 -

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed H.R. 4480, the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act by a vote of 248-163.  It aims to create long-term domestic energy solutions for the United States.  Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson supported the measure.

H.R. 4480, the Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012, would require the Secretary of Energy to develop a plan to increase the percentage of federal lands leased for oil and gas production.  It also includes language from seven different energy bills, including provisions to streamline the permitting process, improve the auction process for onshore leases, and halt the implementation of burdensome EPA rules until a report is submitted to Congress that describes the costs and consequences of the rules.

“The impact of outrageously high and unstable gas prices is taking a toll on Idaho families and on our economy.  Not only do Idahoans feel the pain at the pump when they fill up, but as the cost of gas increases so does the cost of food and other goods. We need a comprehensive energy policy that will move us toward energy independence and stabilize gas prices,” said Simpson. “In addition, record high gas prices have placed a huge burden on our state’s agricultural and trucking industries.  These problems have grown out of decades of poor energy policy, and this bill takes a big step toward energy policies that work for Americans, not against them.”

The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.

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