Updates on National HIV/AIDS Strategy and Viral Hepatitis Action Plan Shared with Primary Care and HIV Providers


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Panel at Health HIV Conference

Along with several federal colleagues, I had the opportunity late last month to discuss the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and the Action Plan for the Prevention Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis (Action Plan) during a panel presentation at a national healthcare conference. We shared highlights of our efforts to coordinate activities as we implement…

Observing World AIDS Day


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World AIDS Day logo

Today, December 1, we commemorate World AIDS Day. This has been a year of reflection as we marked the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS on June 5, 1981. AIDS is still here, and it affects all of us in the U.S. and around the world. AIDS has been, and continues to…

Region VIII Federal Interagency Collaboration Continues

Strategy in Action

As the seasons begin to change in the Mountain West, we paused recently to share our efforts to pursue the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) in the States in our region (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming). On September 29, we held a special meeting of the Region VIII NHAS…

Federal Leads Review Progress at One-Year Anniversary


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On the eve of the first anniversary of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS), representatives of the six federal agencies tasked by the President with lead responsibility for implementing NHAS gathered for one of our regular meetings and shared updates on implementation progress. Chairing the meeting, the Assistant Secretary for Health, Dr. Howard Koh, praised the…

Reflections on the One-Year Anniversary of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Launch


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Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H.

Since President Obama released the first-ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy (the “Strategy”) last July, 2010, I have had the privilege of helping to guide its implementation as well as coordinate the many integrated federal activities involved in reaching these ambitious goals. On this first anniversary, we can celebrate considerable strides toward reaching the Strategy’s clear and…

HHS Region VIII Agencies Convene to Discuss National HIV/AIDS Strategy Implementation


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Strategy in Action

With efforts to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) unfolding across the country, we thought it would be valuable to gather our Federal colleagues in this region to identify ways to coordinate and collaborate in our HIV/AIDS-related activities. After all, the NHAS calls for a more coordinated national response to the epidemic. To realize the…

Agency Operational Plans and the President’s FY 2012 Budget Highlight Our Continued Efforts to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

One of the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy was to refocus existing efforts and deliver better results to the American people within current funding levels, as well as make the case for new investments. The Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) is excited to share some of the progress the Obama Administration has made…

Federal Leads Explore Intersection of HIV/AIDS and Housing Insecurity or Homelessness

NHAS Meeting, 1/24/11

Last Monday, January 24, 2011, representatives from the six Federal agencies designated by the President as lead agencies with responsibility for implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) reconvened as part of our ongoing efforts to work toward the Strategy’s goals and achieve a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic in the United States….

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