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We Must Restore Fiscal Sanity to Washington

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on March 31, 2011

Two years ago, the grassroots Tea Party movement started because the President and Democrats in Congress were blatantly disregarding the will of the American people.  Americans were tired of the bailouts, tired of the excessive wasteful spending, tired of the skyrocketing Federal debt, and tired of a government that was determined to inject itself into the minutest decisions of everyday life.  Two years ago, inspired by the ordinary citizens of America who rose up against tyranny 200 years ago to fight for their rights, Americans rose up and said enough was enough.  Together they rallied and marched; they blogged and tweeted, they spoke out and they started a political movement dedicated to putting our country back on the path towards respect for Constitutional values and limited responsible governance.

Thanks to this grassroots movement of ordinary Americans, today we have a brand new Congress with more than 80 Freshmen members, committed to leading our country back to prosperity and back to smaller, limited, constitutional government.  Rep. Dan Burton stands proudly with these men and women as they fight to cut excessive, wasteful government spending in fulfillment of the promise made to the American people in the Republican Pledge to America.  Rep. Burton is committed to that fight; which is why he voted against the last Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution; because it did not go far enough towards restoring fiscal sanity to Washington.  Rep. Dan Burton will always stand side by side with those who fight for that goal.


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