Carlos A. García-Pérez, Director, Office of Cuba Broadcasting

The Director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting oversees Radio and TV Martí which provide balanced news on local, regional and international events of importance to the Cuban people. Programming includes vital information on science, technology, health and culture.

Carlos A. García-Pérez became director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) in November 2010.  He is responsible for the strategic planning and operational direction of Radio and TV Martí, the Spanish-language news and information broadcast services to Cuba.  Prior to joining OCB, García-Pérez was a shareholder in the Litigation and Trial Practice Department of Goldman Antonetti & Cordova, P.S.C., one of the largest law firms in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.  He brings rich experience in international business and law having represented clients in the United States and several Latin American countries. As OCB Director, he oversees the planning, organization, direction and policy application of all Radio and TV Martí broadcasting activities from its headquarters in Miami, Florida.

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