Maria Jessop

Senior Program Officer, Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding



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Languages: French (fluent); Spanish (proficient)

Countries: Iraq

Maria Jessop is a senior program officer with the United States Institute of Peace’s Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding (USIP’s Academy) in Washington, DC where she develops and implements education and training programs in conflict and post-conflict context.  As part of USIP’s Iraq Team, Miss Jessop has been leading civic and human rights education projects in Iraq’s education sector since 2008. 

Miss Jessop specializes in facilitated dialogue approaches to resolving intergroup conflict, fostering reconciliation, engaging civil society in community problem-solving and teaching civic and human rights education.  She has both trained and facilitated dialogue among civil society leaders in Iraq, Colombia and Haiti.  She also teaches a course on “Building Bridges through Intergroup Dialogue” at USIP’s Academy headquarters in Washington, DC.  As part of State Department’s Africa Contingency Operation Training and Assistance (ACOTA) Program, Miss Jessop also regularly conducts negotiation training in multiple African countries for UN Peacekeeping Officers.

Miss Jessop came to USIP with over a decade of experience as a mediator, trainer and cross-cultural specialist with federal, educational, and community-based organizations in New York, Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica.  From 2005-2007, she managed the office of the Mohammed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace at American University in Washington, DC which promotes the study and understanding of Islamic values, traditions, and contributions to the quest for global peace.  Also while at American, Miss Jessop founded and led (and currently advises) The Dialogue Development Group which engages the university community in intergroup dialogues on topics related to social identities, differences and inequalities.

Maria Jessop was raised internationally and served in the Peace Corps in St. Lucia (1994-96).  She holds a B.A. in Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University.  She is fluent in French and Spanish.  Publications include: “The Ripe Moment for Civil Society” (co-author) International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice (2008) and “Dialogue Education at American University” (co-author) Voices in Dialogue (2007).


•    “The Ripe Moment for Civil Society” (co-author) International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice (2008).
•    “Dialogue Education at American University” (co-author) Voices in Dialogue (2007).

Available on

Developing Peace and Human Rights Educators in Iraq.

In the Field, September, 2009.

Publications & Tools

June 2012 | News Feature by Maria Jessop

What Iraq needs now is for us to remember that it is not defined by its political leaders, nor by its violent minority, nor by its past, nor by its neighbors near and afar, but by the aspirations and will of its people.

June 2011 | On the Issues by Maria Jessop and Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana

USIP’s Maria Jessop and Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana discuss the power of dialogue to bridge divides and the role of women peacemakers in Iraq in the context of a workshop for the women of USIP’s Network of Iraqi Facilitators (NIF) they conducted in May 2011.


Iraqi youth at computer. (Photo: NY Times)
March 9, 2010

Despite the challenges facing the next generation of Iraqis, many Iraqi youth are generally positive about their futures. This event will consider some of the ways these young people are contributing to their communities, with a particular focus on USIP's work with Iraqi youth and partners in education, media and civil society sectors.