Bonneville Power Administration

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Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
905 NE 11th Avenue, 1st floor
Portland, OR 97232

Phone: 503-230-READ (7323)

Hours: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

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Library Home



Samuel Moment Collection

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The BPA Library is open to the general public, which is free to browse our entire collection.

Tips for getting through security:

Checking out materials: Borrowing may take place via inter-library loan through schools or your local public library.

You may also check out materials directly from us. To do so, you must first fill out a Request for Borrowing Privileges form and acquire your supervisor’s signature.

Borrowing restrictions:
The loan period is four weeks unless otherwise noted at the time of the loan. However, the borrower must agree to return at once any material needed by a BPA staff member.

We do not circulate Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) or Corporate Leadership Council documents to the general public.

Computer access:
The Library has some DSL computers you may use to access the internet. We do not have wireless access, nor do we have network connections for non-BPA laptops.

Need help finding something? Send us a message, or give us a call at 800-622-4519.
NOTICE: This site is owned and operated by the Bonneville Power Administration, United States Department of Energy. Use of this system is monitored by system and Security personnel. Anyone using this system consents to MONITORING of this use by system or security personnel. BPA Privacy Policy