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Civil Rights/EEO

The Civil Rights/ Equal Employment Opportunity office is responsible for ensuring agency-wide compliance with federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. The Civil Rights and EEO office supports BPA's business success by promoting diverse, productive, and professional relationships within the agency's workforce.


Maintain a continuing affirmative program to promote equal opportunity and identify and eliminate discriminatory practices and policies.


Support Bonneville Power Administration's business success by promoting diverse, productive and professional relationships within BPA's workforce.

Equal Employment Opportunity Program Components

Services - Civil Rights/EEO:

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) acknowledges that conflict is a natural product of people working dynamically together. Properly managed, conflict can be a powerful force for productive solutions and better communication. It is the objective of BPA to address conflicts and disputes in a manner that maximizes the constructive nature of conflict while reducing the negative consequences of prolonged unresolved conflict. This policy neither supersedes nor alters obligations of employees and managers to conduct themselves appropriately in the workplace, including to follow the requirements of BPA’s Harassment-Free Workplace Policy.
  • Shared Neutrals
  • EEO Counseling:
    • Any situation perceived as discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation must be brought to an EEO Counselor within 45 calendar days of the alleged discriminatory, harassing or retaliatory action and/or event. Completion of informal EEO Counseling is required before a formal EEO complaint of discrimination may be filed.
    • In order to effectively document and substantiate an EEO complaint, please address the following five issues:

  1. List specific incidents/actions/events you believe were discriminatory, including date(s), who was responsible and why you believe they were discriminatory.
  2. List the EEO bases you believe apply to the specific incidents/actions/events you believe were discriminatory:
    • Age (40+)
    • Color
    • Equal Pay
    • Genetic Information
    • National Origin
    • Physical or Mental Disability
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Retaliation
    • Sex (gender, sexual harassment, and pregnancy)
    • Sexual Orientation
  3. List the injury/damage to you.
  4. List your “desired resolution”.
  5. Document the “pertinent” background data you feel applies to this EEO claim. In doing the documentation, chronologically list the sequence of incidents/actions/events and include those which might have contributed to the issues you’ve raised.

    No FEAR Act

    The Bonneville Power Administration is committed to upholding anti-discrimination and civil rights laws through it's Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity. This is Bonneville Power Administration's reporting page for the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), Public Law 207-174. Signed by President George W. Bush on May 15, 2002, the Act increases accountability of Federal Departments and agencies for acts of discrimination or reprisal against employees resulting from whistleblower complaints, and complaints before the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The No FEAR Act requires each Federal agency and sub-agencies with 1,000 employees or more, to post on its public website summary statistical data relating to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the agency on a quarterly basis during each fiscal year, and cumulative fiscal year end data for the five preceding years.

    Management Directive-715 Report:  This Directive requires each agency to report annually on the status of activities undertaken pursuant to its equal employment opportunity program under Title VII and activities undertaken pursuant to its affirmative action obligations under the Rehabilitation Act. Agency reports must also include a plan that sets forth steps it will take in the future to correct deficiencies or further improve efforts undertaken pursuant to this Directive.

    Civil Rights Staff Contacts:

    Godfrey C (BPA) Beckett
    Equal Employment Manager
    Mark A (BPA) Holman
    Equal Employment Specialist
    Anthony W (BPA) Jackson
    Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator & Lead EEO Counselor
    Lidia R (BPA) Navarro
    Equal Employment Office Specialist and Hispanic Employment Program Manager
    Judy L (BPA) Rush
    Equal Employment and Formal Complaint Coordinator
    Jackie (BPA) Shelpman-Woolery

    Helen P (BPA) Stevens
    Equal Employment Office Specialist
    Brenda J (BPA) Williams
    Office Manager

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