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Featuring Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
 Dr. Griffin Rodgers
For information about Dr. Rodgers, see his biography.

Sticking with Healthy Habits

Broadcast Dates: Monday, June 6 – Sunday, June 12
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With all of life’s demands, it’s easy to let your weight and fitness fall by the wayside. But you can turn that around, and it may not be as hard as you think.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, bringing you Healthy Moments from the NIH. I’m the Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Last week, I described steps that you can take to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Here are some more tips to get your health habits back on track:

  • Stop making excuses for bad habits. Once you’ve developed a new, healthy habit, think positive and don’t give up.
  • Set realistic goals and reward yourself as you reach them.
  • If you dislike the taste of healthy food, find healthy ways to prepare your favorite meals.
  • Once you’ve identified fun ways to get physically active, invite your family or friends to join you. Support and motivation can help you stick with your plan.

And to learn more, visit our website at NIDDK or MyMajicDC.com Exit Disclaimer. This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers. Join me next week for more Healthy Moments.

Page last updated: May 27, 2011

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