Funding for Special   Communities

NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00)

The purpose of the K99/R00 award is to shorten the time that researchers spend as postdoctoral fellows. This award is meant to facilitate the transition to independent, R01 funding. (see also the NIDDK K01)

Applicants should have completed no more than 5 years of research postdoctoral training at the time of submission. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is not required, but applicants must provide evidence that they can remain in the U.S. for the duration of the K99/R00. The K99 portion of the award may be either in the NIDDK intramural program, or at any extramural research institution. Only extramural research institutions are eligible sites for the R00 portion. Applicants must present clear milestones in their research and career development progress upon which they will be evaluated for transition to the R00. In addition, the awarding of the R00 is dependent upon the applicant obtaining a tenure-track, full time faculty position (assistant professor or equivalent) at an eligible domestic institution.

The NIDDK will provide up to $75,000 for salary, the appropriate fringe benefits, and up to $25,000 for research support per year for the K99 phase of the award. The NIDDK will provide up to $249,000 Total costs per year for the R00 phase of the award, for at least 75% effort. Should the applicant receive other NIH grants, as PI, then the effort on the R00 may be reduced to 50%.

A complete application package (PDF, 23 KB) for transition from the K99 to the R00 phase of the award must be submitted about six months prior to the anticipated transition date.

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Page last updated: April 13, 2011

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