Beth Paterson

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Beth Paterson

Current Position:

Grants Financial Analyst

Current Portfolio/Responsibilities:

Beth Paterson has been with the National Institutes of Health since 1978.  She started her career in the Clinical Center’s Medical Record Department.  She joined the National Eye Institute Intramural Branch in 1981, serving 15 years as a Health Technician and Technical Information Specialist.  She then worked as a Program Assistant in the NIH John E. Fogarty International Center where she facilitated State Department clearance of foreign NIH grants and NIH domestic grants with foreign components. 

Beth joined the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in 1996 as a Technical Information Specialist in the Review Branch.  She served as the Institute’s Referral Liaison and assigned scientific program classification codes to NIDDK grant applications.  From 2003 to 2007 she was Lead Program Analyst in the NIDDK’s Office of Financial Management and was responsible providing official budget figures for research and disease topics.  Beth currently works as a Grants Financial Analyst in Office of Financial Management, Grants Financial & Analysis Unit (GFAU).  The GFAU plan and coordinate financial and budgetary activities relating to NIDDK extramural grant-supported programs.  

Page last updated: July 07, 2009

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