
Featured Video: State of the Union Response

Posted 01/27/12

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State of the Union Response

Posted 01/27/12


National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act

Posted 11/16/11

Congressman Trent Franks AZ-02 debates in favor of H.R. 822 on the House Floor- recognizing that it is every American's fundamental right to carry and bear arms.


Fast and Furious Press Conference

Posted 11/15/11

With 39 lawmakers asking for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down because of his part in the Operation Fast & Furious scandal, my colleagues and I held a press conference to address this serious issue that isn't getting the media attention it demands. We believe Holder has lost all credibility and is not telling the truth about the botched gunrunning sting.


"In God We Trust" Resolution

Posted 11/02/11

Reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the official motto of the United States and supporting and encouraging the public display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools, and other government institutions.


Wireless Tax Fairness Act

Posted 11/02/11

Before the passage of H.R. 1002, the Wireless Tax Fairness Act, of which Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) is the lead Republican sponsor in the House, he took to the House Floor to encourage his colleagues to support the bill. According To The Pew Internet And American Life Project, "Cell Phones Have Moved Beyond Fashionable Accessory And Into The Realm Of Life Necessity." "Cell phones have moved beyond fashionable accessory and into the realm of life necessity -- just as many adults have a cell phone as have a computer. Cell phones are now toted by more than four in five American adults (82%). Cell phone ownership is up from 65% of American adults in November 2004, but has remained steady since 2009. More adults have a cell phone than have an iPod or mp3 player (46%) or e-Book reader (4%), and just as many adults have a computer (79% have a laptop or desktop) as have a mobile phone. One third (35%) of those who do not own a cell phone live in households where someone else has a cell phone." (Amanda Lenhart, "Cell Phones And American Adults," Pew Internet & American Life Project, 9/2/10) "...[I]nternet Users And Those With Home Broadband Are Substantially More Likely To Use Cell Phones Than Those Who Do Not Go Online And Do Not Have Broadband At Home." (Amanda Lenhart, "Cell Phones And American Adults," Pew Internet & American Life Project, 9/2/10) "Nevertheless, More Than Half (53%) Of Adults Who Do Not Use The Internet At All Have A Cell Phone." (Amanda Lenhart, "Cell Phones And American Adults," Pew Internet & American Life Project, 9/2/10)