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Senior's Issues Conference

Posted by Dan Burton on August 18, 2007

The aging of America affects every part our society and it will touch every family in decades to come.  Older Americans have made many countless contributions that have strengthened our Nation. Although we are gradually bidding farewell to our Greatest Generation that fought for our freedom and values during the Great Depression and two world wars; we are now welcoming the baby boom generation into the ranks of older Americans.  I believe that as a Nation we have reaped and continue to reap many benefits from the contributions of older Americans. In return we have a responsibility to ensure that they have the best quality of life our Nation can provide them; this summit is held to help seniors and their families better understand the programs and policies that directly affect their health.

That's why I hosted a Seniors’ Issues Conference at Indiana Wesleyan University in Indianapolis on Saturday August 18th.  We gathered together experts on Medicare, Social Security and other issues, to meet with seniors and their families to discuss the numerous government resources and assistance available to them. Representatives from several senior-oriented non-governmental organizations also were in attendance.

Check out information and videos from the conference here.

Marieta Steele - November 3, 2009

Mr. Burton, I want to thank you for standing up for we senior citizens. We (my husband and I) have just move here and are retired. My husband has many health issues and if the government starts taking over, I fear for him. I do not want the government to take over our lives. The only thing they can't is my faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks for your time and God Bless. Sincerely, Marieta Steele

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