Trent's Blog

Franks in the News -- Week of 3/11/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on March 16, 2012

House Judiciary Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act Chaired by Pro-life Congressman Trent Franks (R-Az), the subcommittee heard testimony on the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) sponsored by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fl.).The bill would require any abortionist to notify a parent before performing an abortion on a minor who is a resident of another state, with certain exceptions.
That is why Congressman Trent Franks, Jeff Flake and I, have introduced the "Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act," legislation that would reverse the Administration's land grab and lock up.
Friday, March 16, 2012, Congressman Trent Franks will join Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Steve Pearce (R-NM) and Members of the Congressional Western Caucus from Arizona at a hearing to be held in Phoenix entitled, “Washington Barriers to Prosperity and Property Rights in Arizona.” Members and witnesses, including Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, will examine the Obama Administration’s environmental and natural resource policies and their impacts on jobs, economic growth and private property rights across the West and specifically in Arizona. The hearing will shed light on specific examples, the extent of the problems, and help facilitate a discussion on what needs to be done to fix them.

Brewer to address state lawmakers on property rights

Franks in the News -- Week of 3/4/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on March 9, 2012

Recently, they released their crock-umentary “A Vital Service” featuring an all-black “cast” extolling the virtues of an organization that profits from killing, disproportionately, black babies. Targeting black people is nothing new. Planned Parenthood’s been doing it since its founder, a member of the deeply racist American Eugenics Society, started recruiting black ministers and influential leaders to tout her (false) birth control solution to poverty. This week, the Negro Project 2.0 has taken a deeper dive into the surreal.
In response to the protest, Mr. Franks‘ office said the congressman has the constitutional right to execute legislative authority over the District.

DC Vote Targets Trent Franks Over Fetal Pain Measure