Ken Calvert

Veterans and Military Retirees

Veterans and Military Retirees

America’s veterans are the reason we are able to enjoy the freedoms we have today. Because of their sacrifice and honor, our country has prevailed over the worst of foes. That is why it is imperative that our country never forgets the price that has been paid for the quality of life that we now enjoy. A veteran is the picture of courage, strength, resolve and loyalty.

My commitment to the highest standard of treatment to our veterans and retirees will not waiver. The debt that is owed to the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms is one that can never fully be repaid. Our men and women in uniform injured or wounded in the line of duty deserve not only the respect of their country, but the best medical care available.

As Congress works to rein in spending, funding for veterans and military retirees is still a top priority. I will work to ensure adequate funding for Veterans Affairs claims processing, oppose TRICARE fee and premium increases on families and retirees, and fight to ensure returning veterans have opportunities to work and continue to contribute to our communities. While Congress works through this difficult budget environment it is important to minimize the impact on programs that our servicemembers, retirees, and veterans rely on.
As a country it is our duty to respect the memory of those lost and honor those who have fought on the beaches of Normandy, the hills of Korea, the jungles of Vietnam, the mountains of Afghanistan and the sands of Iraq. They are our neighbors and fellow citizens and their sacrifice demands our humility and deepest gratitude.

If you are a veteran looking for work, please visit the below websites for employment resources and opportunities:

The State of California Job Resources for Veterans
Federal government Job Resources for Veterans