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HOPWA Competitive Program

Ten percent of available HOPWA funds are awarded as grants during a competitive selection of projects proposed by State, city, and local governments or by nonprofit organizations. Per Congressional Directive, HUD places priority on existing renewal competitive grants.


States, cities, and local governments and nonprofit organizations may apply for HOPWA Competitive funding. Applicants are also encouraged to seek funding through the HOPWA Formula program, if such funding is available. Nonprofit organizations, States, and units of general local government also may apply for HOPWA Technical Assistance Funding grants in those years during which Congress appropriates TA funding.


After the renewal process, i f there are funds available , then HUD will run a competition and award new HOPWA projects that were rated the highest under the selection criteria. Grants can go to nonprofit groups, state agencies, and local governments to provide housing and supportive services for more than 3800 low income people with HIV/AIDS and their families. Selected projects include:

  • Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS)
    Due to their innovative nature or their potential for replication, SPNS projects are likely to serve as effective models in addressing the needs of eligible persons. These projects included grants that target assistance to underserved populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, women and persons in rural areas in providing special outreach, and coordination of assistance to reduce barriers.
  • Projects that are part of Long-term Comprehensive Strategies
    These projects provide housing and services for eligible persons in areas of the nation that did not qualify for HOPWA Formula Program allocations.

Further information about the HOPWA competitive program and a searchable list of competitive grantees.

Competitive Grantee Resources
2008 SuperNOFA Archive
Helpful Tools