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Division of Intramural Research
NINR's Intramural Research Program (IRP) seeks to understand the underlying biological mechanisms of a range of symptoms, their effect on patients, and how patients respond to interventions. The NINR IRP is comprised of two major activities: The Symptoms Management Branch and Research Training.

Recent scientific efforts in the Symptoms Management Branch have included evaluating the efficacy of novel interventions for managing symptoms associated with cancer treatment, and exploring the molecular and genetic mechanisms that influence an individual's response to analgesic treatment for acute pain.

Under IRP Research Training activities, training is provided through several mechanisms, including the novel K22 Career Transition Award. This award affords a unique career development opportunity by providing research fellows with both intramural and extramural training towards the goal of achieving status as an independent investigator.

The IRP also supports the Graduate Partnerships Program, which provides support for the predoctoral training of future scientists through university partnerships. As part of this program, students from U.S. or international universities conduct part, or all, of their dissertation research activities within the IRP.

Additionally, the IRP conducts the NINR Summer Genetics Institute (SGI), which provides students with a foundation in molecular genetics for use in research and clinical practice to develop and expand research capacity among graduate students and faculty in nursing. This program is approved for graduate credit in nursing at the doctoral level. For more information on the SGI, click the link on the right side of this page.

To establish its research and training goals, the IRP conducts and participates in a range of workshops and conferences, as well as centrally through NINR planning activities.


Page last updated Apr 14, 2009
Summer Genetics Institute Student

See Intramural Training site for Summer Genetics Institute!
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