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NINR Publications

NINR produces a variety of publications that serve as resources for health care professionals and the public.

Palliative Care Brochure cover

Palliative Care: The Relief You Need When You're Experiencing the Symptoms of Serious Illness
(2.2 MB, PDF)

A guide to palliative care: a comprehensive treatment of the discomfort, symptoms and stress of serious illness.


Research Training Grants and Opportunities brochure cover


Research Training Grants and Opportunities
(530 KB, PDF)

An overview of NINR research opportunities, outside and inside of NIH, for students and experienced scientists.

Summer Genetics Institute Brochure Cover

Summer Genetics Institute at the NIH
(1.07 MB, PDF)

The Summer Genetics Institute (SGI) is a one-month intensive research training program at the NIH. The SGI provides a foundation in molecular genetics for use in research and clinical practice.

BNC Fellowship flyer

BNC Postdoctoral Fellowship
(545 KB, PDF)

A unique, extensive, two-year fellows program that combines the academic environment of a university, the breadth and depth of NIH intramural research and a clinical integrative medicine focus.

Graduate Partnerships Program flyer Graduate Partnerships Program for Graduate Nursing Students
(704 KB, PDF)

The NINR Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP) in Biobehavioral Research offers up to five years of support for nursing students who are interested in entering or currently enrolled in a PhD program.

Changing Practice, Changing Lives brochure cover
Changing Practice, Changing Lives: 10 Landmark Nursing Research Studies
(1.38 MB, PDF)

Shows the broad impact of 10 critical NINR-supported nursing research studies on topics including transitional care, diabetes, high blood pressure and pain.
Subtle & Dangerous brochure cover
Subtle and Dangerous: Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women
(520 KB, PDF)

Explores the investigations of NINR-supported scientists into gender-related factors associated with heart disease risk assessment, heart attack symptoms, management, and recovery, and the affects of related cardiovascular conditions. This research has shed new light on differences in how men and women experience and respond to heart and other cardiovascular diseases.

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Many links on this and subsequent pages in this section connect to PDFs. Adobe Reader, required to view these files, is available for free download here(Please note, clicking this link takes you away from the NINR web site, to a non-Federal government created and managed site.)

The FOCUS series

These one-sheet (front and back) information sheets provide current research findings sorted by topics:

NINR Overview
Focus on NINR and the NIH Roadmap
Focus on Research Training for Nursing Students and Faculty
Aging and Long Term Care 
Biobehavioral Science and HIV/AIDS
End of Life

Hispanic Health
La Salud de los Hispanos
NINR Centers Program
Women's Health 

NIH Fact Sheets

These Fact Sheets contain information about research areas closely related to the NINR misison, and are designed to help the public learn about how NIH is making important medical discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Fact Sheet: End-of-life

Fact Sheet: Self-management

Fact Sheet: Pain Management 
Fact Sheet: Specialized Community Interventions

The complete list of NIH Fact Sheets, covering a wide range of health topics and information on NIH programs, is available at:

Making a Difference

The research stories in the Making a Difference series give a few examples of projects by NINR-supported scientists that demonstrate how nursing research is working to improve the health of the nation’s populace and better the care of the sick and injured in many areas of concern across the lifespan.

Making a Difference: Part One - Created in 1998, this includes vignettes of the evolution of 12 studies.
Making a Difference: Part Two 
- Completed in 2003 with 16 vignettes of programs of research which have made a difference in practice.

NINR Research Summaries

These research summaries, provided monthly by the Office of Science Policy and Public Liaison, offer a brief overview of some of the recently-published research from NINR-supported scientists across the country.

Link to Monthly Nursing Research Summaries
**This link is provided courtesy of Medscape-Nursing - a one time free registration is required.



Page last updated Aug 25, 2009
Palliative Care Brochure 

Research Training Grants & Opportunities

** Files are PDFs (requires Acrobat Reader to view. Download here.)
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