
Congressman Trent Franks talks about voting against $700B Treasury bailout bill 10-2-08

Posted 03/12/09

Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) joined Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto to talk about his second vote against the $700 billion treasury bailout legislation.


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Planned Parenthood Corruption

Posted 06/21/11

Fox Business, "Follow the Money," with Eric Bolling. September 16, 2010 Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) addresses a lawsuit by the former CFO of the California branch of Planned Parenthood. Franks notes that the lawsuit indicates a level of corruption within Planned Parenthood that far surpasses even that which we saw within ACORN. According to the lawsuit, the California branch of Planned Parenthood overcharged the government by over $180 million in just one year. Just one clinic is alleged to have overcharged by more than $5 million. Similar allegations against Planned Parenthood have also surfaced in other states, including New Jersey and Washington.


Congressman Franks: ObamaCare is Especially Irresponsible Given Current Deficits

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Franks on Why He Opposes Cash for Clunkers - with CNN's Campbell Brown 8-3-09

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