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Legal Opinion Letters

Legal Opinion Letters - 1992


​Letter Number ​Subject ​Date
92-0101 Member Access to Credit Union Records 02/21/1992
92-0107 Leasing Residual Value Requirement 01/27/1992
92-0111 ​Conflict of Interest ​01/22/1992
92-0112 ​Member Business Loan ​02/18/1992
​92-0116 ​Preemption of State Statute ​02/14/1992
92-0117 ​Real Estate Loans or Consumer Loans ​02/06/1992
92-0118 ​Member Business Loan ​02/10/1992
​92-0123 ​Iowa Credit Card Registration Law ​06/11/1992
92-0124 ​Discrimination Laws ​02/13/1992
​92-0203 ​Tax Exemption ​02/13/1992
92-0215 ​Maturity on Banker’s Acceptance ​02/18/1992
​92-0223 ​Conflict of Interest ​02/27/1992
92-0224 ​Charitable Fund Relief Accounts ​03/14/1992
92-0232 ​Loan Maturity Limits ​03/14/1992
​92-0309 ​Loan Policies Under the Max Program ​04/10/1992
​92-0313 ​Securitization of Real Estate Loans ​06/08/1992
92-0316 ​Iowa Credit Card Law ​04/25/1992
92-0323 ​Field of Membership ​05/27/1992
92-0330 ​Mortgage on Secondary Principal Residence ​05/27/1992
​92-0331 ​ATM Overdraft Recovery ​06/01/1992
​92-0332 ​Preemption of State Grace Period Laws 06/01/1992​
92-0334 ​Eligible Obligations ​04/24/1992
92-0335 ​Preemption of State Late Charges Law ​05/18/1992
​92-0338 ​Insurability of Escrow Funds ​05/05/1992
92-0339 ​FCU/CUSO Ownership of Reinsurance Corporation ​07/07/1992
​92-0413 ​Mortgage Foreclosures ​05/05/1992
​92-0424 ​Denial of Endorsement Request ​05/04/1992
92-0434 ​Decedent’s Estate Account ​05/26/1992
​92-0439 ​Principal Residence ​05/18/1992
92-0507 ​Compensation of Officials ​06/10/1992
92-0510 ​Bankruptcy Code ​06/08/1992
​92-0514 ​Joint Accounts in Louisiana ​05/20/1992
92-0519 ​Reimbursement of Volunteers Lost Wages ​06/03/1992
92-0520 ​Agreements between State Credit Union and Corporation ​06/10/1992
92-0522 ​Nonstandard Bylaw Amendment ​06/15/1992
​92-0611 ​NCUA Tax Exemption ​11/11/1992
92-0612 ​Preemption of State Late Charges Law ​06/24/1992
​92-0613 ​Permissible Political Activities ​06/17/1992
92-0619 ​Insurance Group Purchasing ​06/15/1992
92-0626 ​Compensation of Officials ​06/19/1992
92-0635 ​Automobile Leasing ​07/07/1992
92-0639 ​Preemption of State Law on Disposition of Decedents Accounts ​07/07/1992
​92-0643 ​Joint Owner Compared to Joint Member ​07/08/1992
92-0701 ​Secondary Principal Residences ​07/20/1992
92-0703​ ​Treatment of Loan Balance of Decedent Account ​08/07/1992
​92-0705 ​Uninsured Membership Shares ​08/10/1992
​92-0707 ​Loan Officer Authority ​07/27/1992
​92-0711 ​Personal Property Tax ​08/05/1992
​92-0720 Delegations to Executive Committee​ ​07/28/1992
92-0728 ​Publication of Member Discharges in Bankruptcy ​07/28/1992
92-0731 ​Loan Participation ​08/04/1992
​92-0803 ​Term Limits for Directors ​08/19/1992
92-0804 ​Real Estate Liens on Consumer Loans ​08/07/1992
​92-0806 ​Bylaws on Terminating Membership ​09/20/1992
92-0807 ​Loans to Directors ​08/28/1992
92-0817 ​Postdated Checks ​08/25/1992
92-0826 ​Varying Dividend Rates ​09/21/1992
​92-0828 ​Share Accounts ​08/19/1992
​92-0829 ​Electronic Income Tax Filing 08/19/1992
92-0837 ​Appraisals ​09/20/1992
92-0850 ​Denial of CUSO Request for Other Services ​09/22/1992
​92-0908 ​Political Action Committee Activities ​09/22/1992
92-0935 ​Delegation to Credit Committee  ​02/03/1993
​92-0943 ​Termination of Member Services ​10/15/1992
92-1002 ​Electronic Tax Filing ​11/12/1992
92-1005 ​Valuation Program ​11/03/1992
92-1006 ​Delegation of Investment Authority ​11/12/1992
92-1010 ​Student Loans ​11/12/1992
92-1013 ​Expulsion of Members ​​11/12/1992
92-1105 ​Inverse Floating CMOs ​​11/12/1992
92-1107 ​Merger of Credit Unions with Savings and Loan Association ​02/05/1992
92-1108 ​Fixed Assets ​12/11/1992
92-1109 ​Regulation B 12/11/1992​
92-1130 ​Discounted Loan Rates to Low Risk Members ​12/16/1992
92-1131 ​Preemption of State Law Governing Mortgage Fees ​01/21/1992
92-1133 ​Suspension of an Officer or Member ​01/05/1993
​92-1202 ​Political Action Committee("PAC") Fund Raising Program ​03/03/1993
​​92-1228 ​Business Share Draft Accounts ​02/01/1993
​​92-1235 ​Maturity on Motor Home Loans ​03/18/1993
​​92-1244 ​CUSO Qualifications ​01/13/1993
​​92-1248 ​Federal Credit Union Investments ​02/10/1993


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