Captain Jeffrey Lee Canfield, U.S. Navy

Interagency Professional-in-Residence


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Captain Canfield reported in September 2012 to the United States Institute of Peace following a one-year deployment to Afghanistan as an AFPAK Hand Ministerial Advisor from HQ International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to the Afghanistan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and as Development Adviser at the ISAF Force – Reintegration Cell (F-RIC).  He also led the ISAF Strategic Partnership Unit comprised of ministerial embeds assigned at four Afghan ministries.  At MRRD, he advised the Minister and Deputy Minister for Programmes on strategic planning for the Ministry, its National Programs and its interface with other Government of Afghanistan ministries, international organizations, NGOs and NATO.  Captain Canfield worked as a member of MRRD’s Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP) Unit, helping formulate the ministry’s annual APRP plan and budget as coordinated between MRRD, the High Peace Council and Joint Secretariat, international donors and ISAF. 

Prior to deployment to Afghanistan, Captain Canfield was assigned in the Pentagon as deputy director for Concepts and Strategies on the staff of the chief of Naval Operations, responsible for developing Navy’s Information Dominance concepts and strategies and strategic planning for the director of Naval Intelligence. He reported to the CNO’s staff from duty as the Director of Intelligence, J2, United States Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base.  As Director, he served as the principal intelligence advisor to the commander and led the STRATCOM J2 staff and Joint Intelligence Operations Center.  He is a career intelligence professional, with 30 years experience in C4ISR, national security affairs, POL-MIL coordination and strategic planning.

Captain Canfield earned a Bachelor’s degree in German Language and Literature from Columbia College of Columbia University, a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia’s School of International Affairs, and a Graduate Certificate from the Institute on East Central Europe. He also holds a Master’s degrees in Marine Affairs (Ocean Law and Policy) from the University of Rhode Island and National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College.