Ann-Louise Colgan

Director, Global Peacebuilding Center


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Ann-Louise Colgan is Director of the Global Peacebuilding Center at the United States Institute of Peace. The Global Peacebuilding Center aims to advance USIP’s public education mandate, introducing new audiences to the challenges and importance of peacebuilding through new means––multimedia exhibits, educational programs, and a new website at With a focus on young people and on educators, the Global Peacebuilding Center is one way in which USIP is engaging and empowering the next generation of peacebuilders.

Prior to joining USIP at the end of 2010, Ann-Louise spent over a decade working at organizations focused on human rights, peace and conflict, and U.S. foreign policy. At Human Rights First, her work as Senior Associate in the Crimes Against Humanity program involved policy analysis, program development, and communications on U.S. and international responses to mass atrocities.

Before this, she worked at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, where she managed the Genocide Prevention Task Force, which was co-chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and which released its blueprint report for U.S. policymakers in 2008.

She also served as director of the Museum's Academy for Genocide Prevention, which focused on engaging foreign policy professionals. Earlier in her career, Ann-Louise spent eight years at an Africa advocacy organization, where she did extensive work to engage policymakers and the media, and to educate a broad public audience on peace and conflict issues, human rights, and other priorities in U.S. relations with Africa. She holds an M.A. in International Studies and a B.A. in European Studies.