For Industry

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For Industry

NIEM continues to look for avenues to create strong partnerships with industry.

NIEM has held industry events and town halls, and includes industry in forums related to the evolution of both tools and training. In addition, NIEM works with numerous industry groups.

From its earliest days, NIEM has included tools that make it easier for users to work with the model. In June 2011, government and standards consortia teamed up to develop a call to action for industry to play a greater role in developing standards that support initiatives such as NIEM.


At their June 2011 meeting in Salt Lake City, the Object Management Group (OMG) Technical Committee—an organization dedicated to technical standards—officially approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) to develop a Unified Modeling Language (UML) Profile for NIEM.

For technical folks, the UML profile will minimize complexity and enable a better understanding of what it means to be NIEM conformant. The UML profile will be an industry standard that enables the development of NIEM information exchanges across systems, agencies, and levels of government. From a business perspective, the UML profile will enable a visual understanding of NIEM, which will help to better align an organization’s information exchange needs with its business requirements.

On May 21, 2012 the (Final) Revised Submission to the UML Profile for NIEM (otherwise known as NIEM-UML) was delivered to OMG. NIEM-UML aims to provide a standard for modeling NIEM artifacts (such as Model Package Descriptions, or MPDs) leveraging UML. Monday, June 18, 2012, the OMG Architecture Board voted to recommend the NIEM-UML profile for approval by the OMG Board of Directors (BoD).

The submission and subsequent ​​​vote marks a significant milestone in the approval process of the NIEM-UML Profile as an OMG standard. We are just one step away from formal approval by the OMG BoD. The OMG BoD is expected to validate the business aspects of the NIEM-UML submission, such as commercial viability, over the next few months.

The development team for this effort consisted of members from the NIEM Program Management Office (PMO), the OMG Technical Committee, Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE), and industry and academic partners. Go team!

The NIEM PMO anticipates NIEM-UML will enable greater adoption of NIEM by tool vendors, whose tools will simplify the development and implementation of NIEM-based information exchange functionalities. It is expected that these tools will be available from both open source and commercial vendors. The ultimate goal is for the government to be able to purchase commercial products with standardized information exchange "baked-in" from the start.

Thank you to those in the community who have volunteered to help the NIEM PMO pilot NIEM-UML!

The NIEM-UML Beta Specification has been published to the Object Management Group’s website. Visit​ to learn more.

Collaboration with industry has been and continues to be a hallmark of NIEM.

In addition, you can always contact us!

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"Industry Partnership" Video

Donna Roy discusses the importance of industry's ability to provide the NIEM community with tools that allow NIEM users to spend more time advancing their missions.


Industry Partnership Transcript



  • Case Studies Needed|Case Studies
    The IJIS Institute is working on an ongoing project to compile and edit NIEM Adoption and Use Case Studies. These case studies are a great vehicle to help others understand and use NIEM. It is important, as we advocate the use of NIEM for information sharing, that we also share how NIEM is being used and highlight NIEM success stories.
    Current average rating is 3 stars.
  • Today, the Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) initiative is one of the most significant cross-domain information-sharing enterprises in the Federal Government, linking industry, the Navy, the Coast Guard, and the Department of Transportation around the world. It comprises a striking example of success, built on a foundation of UCORE and NIEM.
    Current average rating is 3 stars.
  • For the State of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Connecticut Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) has defined the NIEM 2.0 exchange and has published the Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) to use the CJIS Offender Based Tracking System (OBTS) to look for offenders who hold student transportation endorsements. Staff at the DMV have reported that this exchange process has assisted them in their efforts to ensure that persons holding student transportation endorsements maintain proper qualifications.
    Current average rating is 3 stars.
  • Highlights of the results and application of NIEM to the Consortium for the Exchange of Criminal Justice Technology (CONNECT), an interstate criminal justice information sharing initiative led by the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC).
    Current average rating is 5 stars.
  • The New Jersey Data Exchange (NJ-DEx) project is a key initiative for sharing information both horizontally and vertically in the New Jersey law enforcement community. With similarities to the N-DEx program in structure and intent, NJ-DEx is now delivering previously unprecedented cross-jurisdictional data sharing capabilities in New Jersey. NJ-CrimeTrack, a system that supports the New Jersey Governor’s new crime plan, “A Strategy for Safe Streets and Neighborhoods.”
    Current average rating is 3 stars.
  • This document provides an overview of NIEM’s executive message: NIEM, a partnership of the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is designed to develop, disseminate, and support enterprise-wide information exchange standards and processes that can enable jurisdictions to effectively share critical information in emergency situations. NIEM also supports the day-to-day operations of agencies throughout the nation.
    Current average rating is 0 star.
  • Why NIEM Now?|Overview
    Government computer systems can fail to efficiently share information across domains and jurisdictions. This document describes the key benefits of adopting NIEM.
    Current average rating is 5 stars.
  • Provides a summary of more than 10,000 changes made from NIEM 1.0 to 2.0
    Current average rating is 3 stars.