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Feature Technology Projects

Photo taken of the Times Square reader board in New York City on January 18, 2012

The National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2), designs and builds applications employing emerging technologies in support of psychological health and traumatic brain injury recovery in the military. Equally important is our work toward eradicating stigma that can deter Service Members from seeking help. Below are some recent initiatives.


Spotlight on T2

Exploring Tomorrow's Behavioral Health Technology

Exploring Tomorrow's Behavioral Health Technology

The BBC reports on The Department of Defense National Center for Telehealth & Technology's work exploring technology for military service member mental health.

Mobile-App Helps Post-Disaster Mental Health Responders

Mobile-App Helps Post-Disaster Mental Health Responders

The next time disaster strikes, mental health and other response workers may find help in delivering psychological first aid (PFA) as near as their smartphones.

American Psychiatric Association - Psychatric News Alert

Komo 4 News Interview - Help on the Homefront

Dr. Greg Reger, clinical psychologist and Director of Development for Virtual Reality and Prolonged Exposure therapies for PTSD talks with Komo TV News - Problem Solvers to explain how T2 Mobile Apps help service members deal with PTSD symptoms.

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Battle PTSD

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Battle PTSD

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) is one of the most effective treatments for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, PE requires the patient to revisit their traumatic memory in an emotionally engaging way.