Jordan Burroughs

Jordan Burroughs


Wrestle...Win...Repeat. Nebraska's First and Only 2x NCAA Champion and Hodge Trophy Winner. 2011 World Champion. 2012 Olympic Champion.

On top of the Podium

I'm getting announced at the vs. Wisconsin Game this weekend! As well as being the Grand Marshall of Homecoming, Sweet!!!

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." --Will Rogers

Kyle Dake vs. David Taylor All-Star Meet 2012! What a great matchup for the fans! Who ya got?

Who needs Harvard Baseball when we have Duke Wrestling!?! Check out the video from my last tweet. Hilarious!!!

It's a full house for the Great Sports Legends Dinner. Great to see much support for finding a paralysis cure.

I'm such a newbie at this celeb thing, I had to buy my first suit yesterday for an event tonight. Oh well, guess you gotta start somewhere!

You know you're a wrestler when you gauge prices by food. If something is $10, That's a double cheeseburger, mcflurry and 10 piece nugget!

I just won an Olympic Gold Medal and I'm tok cheap to pay $9.99 for a music subscription. Some things never change.

Well it seems I will only be excited about Spotify for a short time before they ask for my credit card number lol

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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