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2012 Integrated Program Review

Thank you for participating in the 2012 Integrated Program Review.

The IPR concluded August 10, 2012 following a ten-week comment period. Public comments will help inform near-term capital and expense spending forecasts (FY 2014-15) for inclusion in the upcoming rate cases. A Final Close-Out Letter and Report will be released late September, early October.

Background/ Overview of IPR

The IPR process combines the previous program level review processes, replacing the Capital Program Review, Power Function Review, and Programs In Review, and allows interested parties to see all agency expense and capital spending level estimates in the same forum. The IPR occurs every two years, or just prior to each rate case, and provides participants with an opportunity to review and comment on BPA's program level estimates prior to spending levels being set for inclusion in rate cases.

What Happened in 2010
The 2010 IPR provided participants with an opportunity to review and comment on long-term draft asset strategies for Transmission, Federal Hydro, IT and Facilities for the first time. FY 2010 unmasked a combination of new challenges for BPA. As a result, BPA sponsored three concurrent processes to support regional conversations with interested parties, those processes included: 1) 2010 IPR, 2) Risk Mitigation and 3) Debt Management. The process consisted of a condensed week of technical workshops describing proposed spending estimates for expense through FY 2013 and capital through FY 2017. Two general manager meetings were held with additional follow-up meetings. A 12-week public comment period was provided. BPA released its Final IPR Close-Out Letter and Report on October 27, 2010.

Following the 2010 IPR, BPA performed an extensive review of the IPR process to help identify efficiencies that reduce process costs and time commitment while still adding value. The 2012 IPR has incorporated process recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information presented while minimizing required resources such as time and travel.

What's new in 2012
  • BPA hosted the Capital Investment Review (CIR), separate from and prior to the 2012 IPR, focused on draft asset strategies and 10-year capital forecasts. As a direct result, draft asset strategies and long-term capital forecasts will not be addressed in the IPR.
  • Information will be centralized into one comprehensive initial publication.
    • Participants will have two weeks to review the initial publication. During this time, participants may request additional information or discussion meetings targeting specific program areas.
  • At this time, discussion meetings are planned for July 10-13th and 17-20th based on participants' specific questions and request for discussions.
  • A ten-week comment period (June 5th - August 10th) will be offered to allow ample time for comment on proposed expense spending levels and near-term capital forecasts.

IPR Related Communications

Meeting Materials

July 18, 2012 July 17, 2012 June 19, 2012 June 5, 2012 January 31, 2012
IPR Publications
Additional Information Per Participant Request

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BPA offers external stakeholders an opportunity to sign up for BPA’s Finance "Master Blaster", an email providing notification of upcoming finance related public processes, scheduled meetings and recently published material. To sign up please email with subject line: "enroll" or contact Stephanie Adams at 503-230-4671.
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Public Calendar

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IPR 2010

IPR2 2009

IPR 2008
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