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Walberg Continues Efforts to Expand American Energy Production

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressman Tim Walberg continued his long-standing efforts to expand domestic energy production by joining with 265 of his colleagues to pass H.R. 1230, the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act. H.R. 1230 requires the Secretary of the Interior to conduct oil and natural gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Virginia that have been delayed or cancelled by the Obama Administration.

“Gas prices seem to be rising faster and faster every single day, and yet the Obama Administration is still standing in the way of common-sense ideas to expand our American energy production and grow American jobs.  I believe we need to open up more areas for exploration, not less.  People in Michigan and throughout the country are demanding that we do something about energy, and my colleagues and I in the House are responding,” stated Congressman Walberg.

The bill specifically requires the Secretary of Interior to end the Obama Administration’s efforts to stop these exploration leases and instead move forward with numerous planned leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic Coast of the US.

“The President has stated that long-term efforts in research and development for alternative energy sources will help America win the future.  But if we want to win the future, we must start by winning the present.  This bill starts that process,” Walberg concluded.

 More information about Congressman Walberg’s plan for lower energy costs