MILVAX Instruction Guide for completing the Continuous Quality Immunization Improvement Process (CQIIP) Tool
CQIIP Tool PDF 15 May 12
The MILVAX Continuous Quality Immunization Improvement Process (CQIIP) tool will provide immunization personnel with a quality control tool to assess the immunization process and ensure compliance with the eight Standards for Military Immunizations as outlined in the Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Instruction and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Immunization Recommendations
Published by the MILVAX Agency
Department of Defense Education Activity
Military Vaccine Agency
VAERS 09 Jan 06
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
ADENOVIRUS Type 4 and Type 7 LIVE, ORAL VACCINE, ADMINISTRATION COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT Patient Population Served: Recruits (17-50 yrs)
Supplemental Form for Anthrax Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry
VAERS 09 Jan 06
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Anthrax Vaccine
MEDCOM form #700-R has been rescinded and is no longer to be used for recording anthrax vaccinations.
Please continue to record all vaccinations in the following places:
- Health Record Immunization Record - SF 601
- International Certification of Vaccination - PHS Form 731
- Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flow-sheet - DD Form 2766 & DD Form 2766C
- Service automated immunization tracking system - MEDPROS/AFCITA/SAMS
Supplemental Form for Smallpox Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry
2-page format, STANDARD FORMAT
Follow-Up Note for Sick Call Evaluation of Patients [pre position this form at ERs and troop medical clinics]
Follow-Up Note for Standard "Take-Check" Visits
Symptom Diary After Smallpox Vaccination
Smallpox Vaccination Continuation Note CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF MEDICAL CARE
VAERS 09 Jan 06
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System