
The mission of the Office of Marketing and Program Placement is to strengthen and maintain IBB’s Global Affiliate Network through targeted high impact affiliations and effective Brand Management, Commitment and Customer Success consistent with BBG priorities. As shortwave radio usage wanes in parts of the world, the importance of affiliations with local AM and FM stations grows.Types and degrees of affiliations are many, ranging from live simulcasts at scheduled times to occasional use of taped segments of programs. This indicator counts only those stations with contracts that regularly rebroadcast identified programs of U.S. international broadcasting entities on competitive media, in or near prime time in an uncensored manner, either nationally or in strategically important parts of the country.

Building Global Affiliations

Regional Bureaus

Eastern and Southern Africa

Located in Johannesburg, South Africa, this OMPP Regional Bureau provides affiliate services in 20+ countries across the Horn, East and Great lakes Region, Southern Africa plus the two Congos. The office establishes partnerships with radio and TV broadcasters, mobile and web media, plus 24-hour independent VOA FM transmissions; creates and executes promotion/advertising campaigns, and handles the installations and repairs of satellite reception packages.

The office maintains staff in several countries to monitor the markets, recruit and maintain broadcast partner relations, and also serve as the office’s eyes and ears in their respective regions. Currently, VOA radio and TV programs are available in over 250 cities and towns across the region via 100+ broadcast partners, including several national networks.

Contact Paula Caffey to learn more about joining our affiliation network:

Paula Caffey
IBB/VOA Regional Marketing Director
East & Southern Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel:  +27-11-290-3264
Cell: +27-79-111-1631

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Western and Central Africa

This Accra, Ghana-based Bureau provides affiliate services in about 20 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Togo,) across West and parts of Central Africa.

The office sets up partnerships with radio and TV broadcasts, mobile and web media, plus 24-hour independent VOA FM transmissions; creates and executes promotion and advertising campaigns, arranges journalism training and handles shipping, installation, repair and maintenance of satellite reception packages.

Learn more about being an affiliate from Joyce Ngoh:

Joyce Ngoh
IBB/VOA W. Africa Office of Marketing & Program Placement
C/o U.S. Embassy Accra
24, 4th Circular Rd
Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233.302.741.457
Mobile: +233.24.433.2766

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East Asia and Pacific

Located in Bangkok, Thailand, OMPP’s East Asia/Pacific Bureau provides affiliate services in 11 countries across the region from South Korea to Kuala Lumpur. The office recruits new affiliates, maintains relations with current ones, repairs damaged equipment, and draws up agreements.

The office maintains staff in several East Asian countries that monitor markets, talk to affiliates, and serve as the office’s eyes and ears in their respective regions.  The Bureau manages about 400 radio, television, print, and digital affiliates.

Contact Neal Lavon for more affiliation information:

Neal Lavon
Office of Marketing and Program Placement
Room 3670 Cohen Building
330 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, D.C. 20237
Tel: 202-203-4736
Fax: 202-203-4185

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Latin America

OMPP’s Latin America Bureau in Miami, Florida provides support services to VOA affiliates in 16 Spanish-speaking countries and in Haiti.  The marketing officer canvases for new affiliates and is actively involved in drafting placement objectives for each market, and in drawing up agreements.

The Bureau maintains relations with current affiliates; acts as intermediary whenever technical or equipment difficulties arise; and monitors usage of VOA contents.  The marketing officer talks to programmers and station owners in the region to advise LatAm on its coverage goals and report any regional media developments.

Current efforts include furthering the ‘Washington Bureau’ marketing pitch and establishing regular (daily to weekly) ‘interactives’ between LatAm/Spanish and key stations in the largest markets. The bureau also coordinates: tradeshow appearances; travel to increase program placement; and related advertising and promotional activities.

Oscar Barcelo can tell you more about becoming an affiliate:

Oscar Barcelo
IBB/VOA Regional Marketing Director
Latin America
Miami, Florida
Tel:  +305 437 7028

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The Prague, Czech Republic Bureau, established in 1995, provides marketing and technical support to VOA, RFE/RL, and RFA.  The office assists U.S. International Broadcasters with affiliations and technical support for radio, television, Internet and print media affiliates.

Affiliate countries, territories and regions include  Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tatarstan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Talk to Adam Gartner about becoming an affiliate:

Adam Gartner
Acting Director
IBB Office of Marketing and Program Placement – Prague
Tel.: +420/ 221.123.773
Fax: +420/ 221.123.774
Vinohradska 159a,  100 00 Prague 10,
Czech Republic

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    Office of Marketing and External Liaison (202) 203-4161