Medicare Reform Myths Debunked

$500 billion tax hike. How much will you pay?

LOST Threatens Sovereignty: See the Latest

Farm Bill: Growing Government Spending

See the new Legislative Scorecard.

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“Bumps in the Road”

Thomas Sowell recently said of Obama, “His desire to redistribute wealth domestically is part of a larger ideological vision that includes a redistribution of power internationally.”  Frighteningly, Sowell observes, “What many regard as a failure of Obama’s foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, may well be one of his biggest successes.”  In Obama’s mind, that is.

Antagonistic assumption?  We can speculate about Obama’s personal intentions for our country.  What we can be completely sure about is what the evidence clearly indicates, which is that his foreign policy, especially with regard to the Middle East, has not been conducive to a strong and safe America.
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Smug Obama

Medicare Premium Support: Seeing Through the Lies

Heritage Action’s Medicare website, which thoroughly dismantles the left’s lies about conservative Medicare reform, shows that competition can and does control Medicare prescription drug benefit costs.  In 2003, Congress was debating what a twenty-first century Medicare prescription drug benefit should look like.  As usual, there were multitudes of fundamentally different views.

During a hearing about the Medicare prescription drug benefit before the Subcommittee on Health in 2003, Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and John Dingell (D-MI) demonstrated little faith in the free market.  Rep. Waxman said:

 “It amazes me that those who seem so enamored by competition as a model for our healthcare system are determined to give a competitive edge to private plans by refusing to put a good drug credit in the traditional Medicare plan. Are they afraid that the reform people want in Medicare is the addition of drugs to the basic program? I believe the answer… is yes.”
Continue reading Medicare Premium Support: Seeing Through the Lies »

Medicare Drug-Benefit Costs Lower than Projected

Washington Logic: You Get Less and Pay More When I Fail

Although no one was thrilled with the latest six-month continuing resolution, which funded the government at levels established by the severely misnamed Budget Control Act, it passed Congress last week without much drama.  The measure was necessary because Congress could not complete its annual appropriations bills; in fact, the Senate didn’t even try.

It is the Senate’s complete lack of action that makes the following comments from Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-HI) so interesting.  CQ (sub. req’d) reports:

“The bill denies necessary authorities for dozens of programs,” Inouye said. “In some cases, the administration will find cumbersome workarounds; for others, it will have to slow down work on ongoing programs, increasing cost and inefficiency. And many programs will simply have to cease activity and await additional congressional action on appropriations bills.”

Senator Inouye may be surprised, but most Americans are not going to get bent out of shape if the government stops doing a few things.  However, they will be outraged that his failure may result in even less efficient government operations…as if that is possible!

With folks like this running things, it is no wonder Washington cannot cut spending.

Daniel Inouye

Heritage Action for America

Heritage Action is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies in Congress. Our DC-based staff amplifies local activists' voices, allowing Americans to break through the establishment in Washington, ensuring Members of Congress get the message.

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