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The Freedom of Information Act: Electronic Reading Room

Subsection (a)(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, commonly known as the FOIA, requires Federal agencies to make certain categories of records affirmatively available for public inspection and copying. NEH satisfies this requirement by providing the designated documents in this FOIA Electronic Reading Room.

Frequently Requested Records:

Final Opinions and Orders:

  • NEH does not maintain any records in this category at this time.

Policy Statements:

Administrative Staff Manuals and Instructions to Staff that Affect a Member of the Public:

NEH does not maintain records appropriate for Electronic Reading Room posting at this time.

If the information you are looking for is not available on this page or on the NEH Web site, you may request it by mailing or faxing a FOIA request or by completing our online form. For more information, please visit our FOIA Guide.

Other Records of Public Interest:

Conventional Reading Room:

NEH does not currently maintain records in a conventional Reading Room. Consistent with the FOIA, upon request members of the public may review agency records releasable under the FOIA. To arrange for such a review, please contact NEH’s Office of the General Counsel at (202) 606-8322 or